

Head Office and Main Warehouse
Industriestrasse 12-14
AT 2201 Gerasdorf/Vienna
+43 1 734 66 70 - 0+43 1 734 66 70 - 220 (direct line sales)+43 1/ 734 66 70 - 150sales@stottan.comwww.stottan.comMo - Th 7:30-12:00 and 12:30-16:00 (4 day work week) !

Managing director Ing. Andreas Stottan, Christine Stottan

Founded 1948

Company register number FN 119472w
Company court Regional court Korneuburg

VAT-Number ATU47921708
EORI-Number ATEOS1000004676
DVR-Number 0459909
GLN-Number 911005683714
D&B D-U-N-S Number 302003488
GISA-Number 14669156

Authority according to ECG (E-Commerce Law) District administration Korneuburg

Disclosure according to media law

Head office Gerasdorf bei Wien
Holdings STOTTAN s.r.o.
Managing director Ing. Andreas Stottan

Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Lower Austria LG Machinery and technology trade